Protecting Your Natural Rights in Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry
If your rights have been discriminated, or you have been the victim of a violent crime, Roy McMurtry Legal Clinic can help. Roy McMurtry Legal Clinic works with individuals and groups to ensure rights are respected and protected within Stormont, Dundas, and Glengarry Counties.
To discuss your legal case, simply contact Roy McMurtry Legal Clinic for a free consultation.
Human Rights
In helping preserve your natural rights, we offer advice and representation to those whose basic, fundamental rights have been violated. Ontario’s Human Rights Code details areas where discrimination is in most need of protection, such as in the areas of employment, accommodations, goods and services, as well as membership in vocational associations and trade unions.
According to the Human Rights Code, there are 15 grounds of discrimination, which include:
Place of Origin
Skin Colour
Ethnic Origin
Creed (Religion)
Gender (Including Pregnancy)
Sexual Orientation
Age (18 to 65 in Employment / 16 and Over in Occupancy of Accommodation)
Marital Status (Including Same Sex Partners)
Family Status
Receipt of Public Assistance (in Accommodation Only)
Record of Offences (in Employment Only)
The Human Rights Commission has fact sheets available that detail various types of discrimination, including race, ancestry, colour, creed, gender and pregnancy, sexual orientation, disability, age, housing, and family status.
On June 30, 2008, human rights complaints underwent significant process changes. Additional information can be found on the websites of the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario, Human Rights Legal Support Centre, and the Ontario Human Rights Commission.
Victims of Crime
If you have been injured as a result of a violent crime, you may be eligible for compensation up $250 per week. Additionally, compensation may be available if:
You are responsible for a victim’s care, and as a result, have suffered a loss of income or incurred expenses as a result of the victim’s injury or death
You were dependent on the victim’s income (in cases of murder)
You sustained an injury while helping prevent a crime or while assisting a police officer in making an arrest
Claim Deadlines
Although a conviction provides conclusive evidence that a crime has occurred, your claim may still be eligible if there is no conviction or charges laid. It is important to note that your claim must be submitted within two years of the incident to be considered by the Criminal Injuries Compensation Board.
For additional information, we invite you to read more about compensation and filing procedures. The Victim Support Line also offers a range of services for victims of crime. Call them today at 1-888-579-2888.
Compensation and Filing Procedures
How We Can Help
The Roy McMurtry Legal Clinic in Cornwall offers assistance to the victims and/or families of violent crime. We can help you through the application process, as well as answer any questions you may have.
You may be eligible for the following compensation:
Medical, Dental and/or Therapy Expenses
Funeral and Burial Expenses
Travel Expenses to receive treatments or to attend a Board hearing
Pain and Suffering
Loss of Employment Earnings*
Loss of Support may be awarded to the dependants who relied on the deceased victim for financial support at the time of the crime
The Steps in the Process
Complete the required forms and return them to the Board by mail. You can request forms from the Criminal Injuries Compensation Board by phone, mail or fax.
Your information is entered into the Board’s computer system.
A Compensation Analyst is assigned to your file. This person will review the forms and decide what information will be required to support your claim. (e.g. hospital, medical, dental, therapy and/or court reports)
Police information is gathered.
A hearing is scheduled. It should be noted that a hearing date will not be provided until all police investigations and/or court cases have been completed.
Request a Claim Package
To request a claim package, contact the Criminal Injuries Compensation Board at:
Criminal Injuries Compensation Board
439 University Avenue, 4th Floor
Toronto, ON M5G 1Y8
Toll Free: 1-800-372-7463
Toronto Calling Area: 416-326-2900
Fax: 416-326-2883
Office hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Monday – Friday)