ODSP Legal Resources in Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry
Roy McMurtry Legal Clinic provides legal support and advice for those who have had their disability benefits denied, suspended, or a large overpayment has been assessed. If you qualify, our team can help you through the appeals process, as well as provide you with information on how to appeal ODSP decisions.
For additional information on ODSP, contact Roy McMurtry Legal Clinic or view these downloadable pamphlets from CLEO:
What Is the ODSP?
The Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) offers benefit disbursements to individuals that are disabled and in need of financial assistance. Additionally, the program assists those who are able to work, but require support. If you require financial support right away, the Ministry of Community and Social Services may be able to help.
What Is Meant by a Disability?
You have a substantial physical or mental health problem that is expected to last one year or more, and
Your health problem substantially limits your ability to work, look after yourself, or carry out daily activities at home and in the community.
In receipt of CPP disability benefits.
Over 65 years of age but not eligible for Old Age Security.
Reside in a psychiatric or developmental services facility.
Have been discharged from a developmental services facility.
Have been transferred to ODSP from Family Benefits.
How much money am I eligible to receive?
The amount of money you may be entitled to receive depends on the amount of rent you pay and the size of your family.
What should I do if I need money right away?
If you need money right away, you should apply for Ontario Works benefits while you wait for a decision on your ODSP application. You can start your application for Ontario Works by phone or by going to your local office.
Income Support
Wheelchairs/mobility device repairs and batteries
Hearing aids
Community Start-Up and Maintenance Benefit
Special diet allowance
Diabetic supplies
Employment Start-Up Benefit
Ostomy supplies
Extended health benefits
Surgical supplies
Emergency home repairs
Transportation needed to attend medical appointments
Guide dog allowance
Up-Front Child Care Benefit
To be eligible for income support you must:
be a resident of Ontario
be 18 years of age or older
qualify financially
have a disability which is expected to last one year or more
Applying for ODSP Benefits
Health Status Report (This form is filled out by medical professionals.)
Activities of Daily Living Index (This form is filled out by medical professionals.)
A Medical Consent Form. (This form gives your doctor or medical professional permission to release medical information about you to the ODSP staff.)
A Self Report (This form lets you explain what it is like to live with your disability.)
Disability Adjudication Unit
Social Assistance and Municipal Operations Branch
Ministry of Community and Social Services
PO Box B18
Toronto ON M7A 1R3
Staff at the DAU will review your file to see if you qualify for support.
Employment Support
Job coaching
On-the-job training
Adaptive software and mobility devices
Interpreter/intervenor services
Transportation assistance
Assistive devices and training to use them
Tools and equipment
Special clothing
Specialized computer training
Other items you may need for work
To be eligible for employment supports you must:
Be 16 years of age or older
Be a resident of Ontario
Be willing and able to work
Have a disability that is expected to last one year or more, and your disability makes it hard for you to find or keep a job
Applying for Employment Supports
receiving ODSP Income Support, or
registered as legally blind with the Canadian National Institute for the Blind, or
have attended a provincial school for students with disabilities.